A. Award - Sanitary Sewer Main Replacement:
Low Responsive Bidder: Amarillo Utility Contractors -- $192,768.00
Overview: This item awards a construction contract for the replacement of a deteriorating six (6) inch sanitary sewer main in the alley between Northwest 17th Avenue and Northwest 18th Avenue from North Lipscomb to North Bonham Streets. Funding for the project is available in the 2010 Utilities Division Capital Improvements budget for wastewater collection improvements.
B. Award - Sidewalk Repairs:
Low Responsive Bidder: Tri-State General Contracting -- $123,114.75
Overview: This item awards a construction contract for the sidewalk repairs at Southwest 6th Avenue and Fillmore Street. The sidewalk is weakened by the basement that encroaches beneath it, and will be addressed with the owner's permission. The problem was discovered during a curb ramp repair. The sidewalk improvements will comply with the new Downtown Urban Design and Streetscape Standards.
C. Acceptance - Family Self Sufficiency Coordinator Award:
Department of Housing and Urban Development -- $36,009.00
Overview: This item accepts the award of FY 2011-12 funding for a portion of the salary and fringe benefits of the Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Coordinator in the amount of $36,009.00 from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The FSS Coordinator guides the Section 8 participant in developing a five-year plan to achieve self sufficiency. As job skills improve causing wages to increase, the participant pays a greater proportion of their rent and the Section 8 program pays less. The difference is placed in an escrow (savings) account. At completion of the five years, participants have used this money to buy a home or continue their education. The FY 2011-12 allocation represents level funding.
D. Approval - Agreement for Services with Downtown Amarillo, Inc.:
Overview: This item approves a one (1) year agreement with Downtown Amarillo, Inc. for services associated with the successful implementation of the approved Downtown Amarillo Strategic Action Plan, the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1 (TIRZ) Project and Financing Plan, and the Civic Center Area Redevelopment Plan for the revitalization of downtown Amarillo. In consideration for these services, the City of Amarillo is to provide $286,432 in total funding.
E. Approval - IS5 FT-IR Spectrometer:
Low Responsive Bidder:
Thermo Electron North American LLC -- $32,730.34
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a FT-IR Spectrometer for the Amarillo Fire Department's Hazardous Materials team to identify unknown chemicals in the field. The unit can test liquid, solid, white powder or explosive materials. This technology will provide early identification of hazardous material to allow the Fire Department to more effectively respond to the incident. Reimbursement funding for the purchase is available from a Homeland Security grant provided through the Panhandle Regional Planning Commission.
F. Approval - Artificial Christmas Tree:
Low Responsive Bidder: The Christmas Light Co. -- $40,319.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a 40-foot artificial panel (branch) Christmas tree to replace the pole tree currently used for the annual parade and lighting of the tree at the Amarillo Civic Center. The cost is 19% less than estimated. Center City of Amarillo, Inc. and Civic Amarillo are both contributing one third of the cost of the purchase. The balance of the funding for the project is available in the approved Parks and Recreation budget.
A. Award - Sanitary Sewer Main Replacement:
Low Responsive Bidder: Amarillo Utility Contractors -- $192,768.00
Overview: This item awards a construction contract for the replacement of a deteriorating six (6) inch sanitary sewer main in the alley between Northwest 17th Avenue and Northwest 18th Avenue from North Lipscomb to North Bonham Streets. Funding for the project is available in the 2010 Utilities Division Capital Improvements budget for wastewater collection improvements.
B. Award - Sidewalk Repairs:
Low Responsive Bidder: Tri-State General Contracting -- $123,114.75
Overview: This item awards a construction contract for the sidewalk repairs at Southwest 6th Avenue and Fillmore Street. The sidewalk is weakened by the basement that encroaches beneath it, and will be addressed with the owner's permission. The problem was discovered during a curb ramp repair. The sidewalk improvements will comply with the new Downtown Urban Design and Streetscape Standards.
C. Acceptance - Family Self Sufficiency Coordinator Award:
Department of Housing and Urban Development -- $36,009.00
Overview: This item accepts the award of FY 2011-12 funding for a portion of the salary and fringe benefits of the Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Coordinator in the amount of $36,009.00 from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The FSS Coordinator guides the Section 8 participant in developing a five-year plan to achieve self sufficiency. As job skills improve causing wages to increase, the participant pays a greater proportion of their rent and the Section 8 program pays less. The difference is placed in an escrow (savings) account. At completion of the five years, participants have used this money to buy a home or continue their education. The FY 2011-12 allocation represents level funding.
D. Approval - Agreement for Services with Downtown Amarillo, Inc.:
Overview: This item approves a one (1) year agreement with Downtown Amarillo, Inc. for services associated with the successful implementation of the approved Downtown Amarillo Strategic Action Plan, the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1 (TIRZ) Project and Financing Plan, and the Civic Center Area Redevelopment Plan for the revitalization of downtown Amarillo. In consideration for these services, the City of Amarillo is to provide $286,432 in total funding.
E. Approval - IS5 FT-IR Spectrometer:
Low Responsive Bidder:
Thermo Electron North American LLC -- $32,730.34
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a FT-IR Spectrometer for the Amarillo Fire Department's Hazardous Materials team to identify unknown chemicals in the field. The unit can test liquid, solid, white powder or explosive materials. This technology will provide early identification of hazardous material to allow the Fire Department to more effectively respond to the incident. Reimbursement funding for the purchase is available from a Homeland Security grant provided through the Panhandle Regional Planning Commission.
F. Approval - Artificial Christmas Tree:
Low Responsive Bidder: The Christmas Light Co. -- $40,319.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a 40-foot artificial panel (branch) Christmas tree to replace the pole tree currently used for the annual parade and lighting of the tree at the Amarillo Civic Center. The cost is 19% less than estimated. Center City of Amarillo, Inc. and Civic Amarillo are both contributing one third of the cost of the purchase. The balance of the funding for the project is available in the approved Parks and Recreation budget.