A. Award - Housing Rehabilitation Contract:
Overview: Award to sole bidder: Brown Construction Services - $52,051.50
Property: 1007 S. Ricks
Overview: This item awards a contract to perform various rehabilitation projects to an owner occupied home under the City's Housing Rehabilitation Program. This program provides financial assistance to qualified low income homeowners to perform needed repairs and improvements to their owner-occupied property. As a condition of receiving this funding and the subsequent improvements, the homeowner agrees to maintain the home as their residence for a period of not less than 15 years. Should the homeowner sell, rent or vacate the residence, they will be liable to repay a pro-rated amount of the award. Funding for this award is from the FY 2010/2011 Home Investment Partnership Program grant with funds on-hand and available.
B. Acceptance - Texas State Library and Archives Commission FY 2010/2011 Grants:
Overview: Interlibrary Loan Center Grant (771-12002) $ 4,000.00
Library System Operating Grant (470-12007) $204,341.00
Technical Assistance Negotiated Grant (476-12008) $ 79,971.00
Total $288,312.00
Overview: This item accepts one grant to the City of Amarillo and two grants to the Harrington Library Consortium from the State of Texas to support various services offered to Library patrons in Amarillo and the surrounding area.
This funding received is a reduction of 55% from the current year. This will be the last year for these grant programs as the funding for the Texas State Library was substantially reduced by the Texas Legislature this session.
The Interlibrary Loan Center Grant is for one month of transition to October 1, 2011 to transition the staff to a city funded position. This state program has been eliminated in this fiscal year.
The Library System Operating Grant provides basic operating support to the Amarillo Public Library System as well as required coordination with the Texas State Library and Archives Commission.
The Technical Assistance Negotiated Grant (TANG) provides funding to support personnel and information technology used in local and regional libraries to enhance service levels for patrons.
C. Approval - Pipe Clamps Annual Contract:
Overview: Award to low responsive bidder by line item as follows:
Power Seal Pipeline Products
(Lines 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, 21, 22) $10,787.84
Western Industrial Supply
(Lines 3, 6, 43, 45, 48) $10,651.96
Ferguson Enterprises
(Lines 20, 41, 44) $ 1,519.01
Total $73,249.08
Overview: This item approves the annual supply contract for the purchase of various pipe fittings and clamps. These items are purchased and stocked on an as-needed basis in the City warehouse for issuance to field crews. The requested items are used for repairs, new services and other operational needs. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Central Stores (warehouse) operating budget.
D. Dedication and Acceptance - Water Line Easement and Sanitary Sewer Easement:
A. Award - Housing Rehabilitation Contract:
Overview: Award to sole bidder: Brown Construction Services - $52,051.50
Property: 1007 S. Ricks
Overview: This item awards a contract to perform various rehabilitation projects to an owner occupied home under the City's Housing Rehabilitation Program. This program provides financial assistance to qualified low income homeowners to perform needed repairs and improvements to their owner-occupied property. As a condition of receiving this funding and the subsequent improvements, the homeowner agrees to maintain the home as their residence for a period of not less than 15 years. Should the homeowner sell, rent or vacate the residence, they will be liable to repay a pro-rated amount of the award. Funding for this award is from the FY 2010/2011 Home Investment Partnership Program grant with funds on-hand and available.
B. Acceptance - Texas State Library and Archives Commission FY 2010/2011 Grants:
Overview: Interlibrary Loan Center Grant (771-12002) $ 4,000.00
Library System Operating Grant (470-12007) $204,341.00
Technical Assistance Negotiated Grant (476-12008) $ 79,971.00
Total $288,312.00
Overview: This item accepts one grant to the City of Amarillo and two grants to the Harrington Library Consortium from the State of Texas to support various services offered to Library patrons in Amarillo and the surrounding area.
This funding received is a reduction of 55% from the current year. This will be the last year for these grant programs as the funding for the Texas State Library was substantially reduced by the Texas Legislature this session.
The Interlibrary Loan Center Grant is for one month of transition to October 1, 2011 to transition the staff to a city funded position. This state program has been eliminated in this fiscal year.
The Library System Operating Grant provides basic operating support to the Amarillo Public Library System as well as required coordination with the Texas State Library and Archives Commission.
The Technical Assistance Negotiated Grant (TANG) provides funding to support personnel and information technology used in local and regional libraries to enhance service levels for patrons.
C. Approval - Pipe Clamps Annual Contract:
Overview: Award to low responsive bidder by line item as follows:
Power Seal Pipeline Products
(Lines 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, 21, 22) $10,787.84
Western Industrial Supply
(Lines 3, 6, 43, 45, 48) $10,651.96
Ferguson Enterprises
(Lines 20, 41, 44) $ 1,519.01
Total $73,249.08
Overview: This item approves the annual supply contract for the purchase of various pipe fittings and clamps. These items are purchased and stocked on an as-needed basis in the City warehouse for issuance to field crews. The requested items are used for repairs, new services and other operational needs. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Central Stores (warehouse) operating budget.
D. Dedication and Acceptance - Water Line Easement and Sanitary Sewer Easement: