A. Acceptance - Public Health Refugee Health Screening Grant:
Overview: Agency: Texas Department of State Health Services
Grant Amount: $423,266.00
Overview: This item accepts fiscal year 2011-12 grant funding from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) for the Amarillo Department of Public Health Refugee Health Screening Program. This program provides the required refugee resettlement health screenings for communicable and infectious disease. The grant amount is an 8.4% increase from the prior year and will cover escalating TB testing costs as well as translation and interpretation fees.
B. Acceptance - Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Nutrition Program Contract:
Overview: Agency: Texas Department of State Health Services
Grant Amount: $822,762.00
Overview: This item accepts a six (6) month contract for the City of Amarillo's Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Supplemental Nutrition Program for the October 2011 through March 2012 period. The contract is expected to be renewed for an additional six month period prior to the expiration of the current contract. The WIC program is a supplemental nutrition program for eligible participants up to age 5. The WIC Program provides services in Potter, Randall, Armstrong, Carson and Oldham Counties and assists an average of 8,277 participants per month.
C. Award - Osage Water Treatment Plant SCADA Upgrade:
Overview: Award to low responsive bidder: Rexel Summers -- $119,006.58
Overview: This item awards a contract for upgrades to the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system that controls the filters and storage reservoir at the Osage Water Treatment Plant. The requested upgrade items provide an enhanced level of control and oversight over the plant operations. These items are replacements for existing units that can no longer be upgraded to the current systems. Funding for this award is in the approved FY 2010/2011 Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program budget.
D. Award - Osage Water Treatment Plant High Pressure Boiler Replacement:
Overview: Award to sole bidder: Tex-Air Mechanical Services -- $27,390.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to replace the boiler unit in the Chemical II building at the Osage Water Treatment Plant. The existing unit is 45 years old and is past its usable lifespan. Funding for this replacement is in the approved FY 2010/2011 Surface Water Treatment Department operating budget.
E. Approval - Potter County Wellfield Transmission Pipeline Project Change Order #2:
Overview: Award to S.J. Louis Construction of Texas, LTD as follows:
Original Contract: $24,515,914.00
Change Order #1: $ 329,900.00
Requested Change #2 $ 317,344.35
Revised Contract: $25,163,158.35
Cumulative Change %: 2.64%
Overview: This item approves a change order to the existing contract for the Potter County Wellfield transmission pipeline contract. The requested change will install a connection point for a future transmission main from the 24th Street Pump Station to the Osage Water Treatment Plant and additional supply connections within the 24th Street Pump Station. The future transmission main is contemplated to provide a direct connection between the two facilities such that water from the Carson County Pipeline or the Potter County Pipeline can be sent directly to the Osage Water Treatment Plant and the large high service pump station currently under construction. The additional supply connections within the 24th Street Pump Station will allow for greater flexibility in moving the Potter County water through the different ground storage tanks in such a manner that one or more tanks can be taken off-line for service or repair while still providing the ability to send the water into the pump station from the remaining tanks. Funding for this change order is in the approved project budget for this line item and is still below the originally budgeted amount by 29%.
F. Approval - City of Amarillo Investment Policy:
Overview: This item is for the annual approval of the Investment Policy for the City of Amarillo organization. State law requires the City to have a written investment policy and for the City Commission to review and approve it annually. The Investment Policy is attached for the required annual review and, the approval of modifications indicated therein, per the recommendation of the City Investment Committee.
G. Approval - Change Order # 6 - Potter County Wellfield Collection System Project:
Overview: Award to S.J. Louis Construction of Texas, LTD as follows:
Original Contract Amount: $11,387,713.61
Previous Change Orders: $ 668,863.16
Requested Change Order: $ 41,813.40
Revised Contract Amount: $12,098,390.17
Cumulative Change %: 6.24%
Overview: This item approves a requested change to the contract responsible for the collection lines and temporary wells within the Potter County Wellfield. This change order includes funding to repair surface damages, add measuring devices to the 5 temporary wells and to adjust the contract for actual field conditions related to the amount of pipe necessary for Well 504. Funding for this change order is in the original project budget and upon approval this contract amount will be approximately 4% below the original estimate.
A. Acceptance - Public Health Refugee Health Screening Grant:
Overview: Agency: Texas Department of State Health Services
Grant Amount: $423,266.00
Overview: This item accepts fiscal year 2011-12 grant funding from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) for the Amarillo Department of Public Health Refugee Health Screening Program. This program provides the required refugee resettlement health screenings for communicable and infectious disease. The grant amount is an 8.4% increase from the prior year and will cover escalating TB testing costs as well as translation and interpretation fees.
B. Acceptance - Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Nutrition Program Contract:
Overview: Agency: Texas Department of State Health Services
Grant Amount: $822,762.00
Overview: This item accepts a six (6) month contract for the City of Amarillo's Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Supplemental Nutrition Program for the October 2011 through March 2012 period. The contract is expected to be renewed for an additional six month period prior to the expiration of the current contract. The WIC program is a supplemental nutrition program for eligible participants up to age 5. The WIC Program provides services in Potter, Randall, Armstrong, Carson and Oldham Counties and assists an average of 8,277 participants per month.
C. Award - Osage Water Treatment Plant SCADA Upgrade:
Overview: Award to low responsive bidder: Rexel Summers -- $119,006.58
Overview: This item awards a contract for upgrades to the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system that controls the filters and storage reservoir at the Osage Water Treatment Plant. The requested upgrade items provide an enhanced level of control and oversight over the plant operations. These items are replacements for existing units that can no longer be upgraded to the current systems. Funding for this award is in the approved FY 2010/2011 Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program budget.
D. Award - Osage Water Treatment Plant High Pressure Boiler Replacement:
Overview: Award to sole bidder: Tex-Air Mechanical Services -- $27,390.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to replace the boiler unit in the Chemical II building at the Osage Water Treatment Plant. The existing unit is 45 years old and is past its usable lifespan. Funding for this replacement is in the approved FY 2010/2011 Surface Water Treatment Department operating budget.
E. Approval - Potter County Wellfield Transmission Pipeline Project Change Order #2:
Overview: Award to S.J. Louis Construction of Texas, LTD as follows:
Original Contract: $24,515,914.00
Change Order #1: $ 329,900.00
Requested Change #2 $ 317,344.35
Revised Contract: $25,163,158.35
Cumulative Change %: 2.64%
Overview: This item approves a change order to the existing contract for the Potter County Wellfield transmission pipeline contract. The requested change will install a connection point for a future transmission main from the 24th Street Pump Station to the Osage Water Treatment Plant and additional supply connections within the 24th Street Pump Station. The future transmission main is contemplated to provide a direct connection between the two facilities such that water from the Carson County Pipeline or the Potter County Pipeline can be sent directly to the Osage Water Treatment Plant and the large high service pump station currently under construction. The additional supply connections within the 24th Street Pump Station will allow for greater flexibility in moving the Potter County water through the different ground storage tanks in such a manner that one or more tanks can be taken off-line for service or repair while still providing the ability to send the water into the pump station from the remaining tanks. Funding for this change order is in the approved project budget for this line item and is still below the originally budgeted amount by 29%.
F. Approval - City of Amarillo Investment Policy:
Overview: This item is for the annual approval of the Investment Policy for the City of Amarillo organization. State law requires the City to have a written investment policy and for the City Commission to review and approve it annually. The Investment Policy is attached for the required annual review and, the approval of modifications indicated therein, per the recommendation of the City Investment Committee.
G. Approval - Change Order # 6 - Potter County Wellfield Collection System Project:
Overview: Award to S.J. Louis Construction of Texas, LTD as follows:
Original Contract Amount: $11,387,713.61
Previous Change Orders: $ 668,863.16
Requested Change Order: $ 41,813.40
Revised Contract Amount: $12,098,390.17
Cumulative Change %: 6.24%
Overview: This item approves a requested change to the contract responsible for the collection lines and temporary wells within the Potter County Wellfield. This change order includes funding to repair surface damages, add measuring devices to the 5 temporary wells and to adjust the contract for actual field conditions related to the amount of pipe necessary for Well 504. Funding for this change order is in the original project budget and upon approval this contract amount will be approximately 4% below the original estimate.