A. Purchase - Dell Computer Equipment:
Award on State of Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchase Program to Dell Computers -- $110,783.16
Overview: This item approves the purchase of 33 Dell laptops and 54 desktops as replacement of existing equipment. The replaced equipment has been in service for 8 or more years. The purchase also includes 3 network file servers. The purchases are part of the routine replacement schedule for technology equipment or approved new equipment. Funding is available in the approved FY 2012-2013 Information Technology operating budget.
B. Purchase - Mobile Vision Body Microphones and DVR:
Award on HGAG purchasing agreement to L-3 Mobile-Vision, Inc. -- $64,246.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a mobile (in-car) video system, antenna, and body microphone equipment for police field personnel. The purchase will replace outdated equipment and provide some new equipment. Funding for the purchase is available in the current Police Department Auto Repair and Maintenance budget.
C. Approval -Terminal Drainage Project - East End:
Award to low responsive bidder: L.A Fuller and Sons Construction, LTD -- $1,210,292.00
Overview: This item approves the construction contract for the Rick Husband International Airport terminal east end storm water drainage project. The project also includes the removal of underground fuel storage tanks. Funding for 90% this project is available from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The 10% match is available in the approved FY 2012-2013 Airport Capital Improvement Program budget.
D. Approval - Airfield Electrical Improvements:
Award to low responsive bidder: Duke Electric Co., Inc. -- $965,044.05
Overview: This item approves the construction contract for a variety of airfield lighting projects at the Rick Husband International Airport. The projects include runway distance lighting, vault switch gear, signage and windsock equipment. Funding for 90% this project is available from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The local 10% match is available in the approved FY 2012-2013 Airport Capital Improvement Program budget.
E. Approval - Renewal of Natural Gas Contract:
Award to sole source: Atmos Energy -- $960,814.00
Overview: This item approves a one year extension of the contract with Atmos Energy to provide natural gas to the Hollywood and River Road Wastewater Treatment Plants. The contract period is October 1, 2013 to September 30, 2014 and is being offered to the City at the existing rates and index pricing.
F. Approval - Asbestos Consulting Services:
Award to best evaluated proposer: Compliance Sampling and Analysis, Inc.
Overview: This item awards a professional services contract for asbestos consulting and management services for one year. The contract will provide several city departments with the required analysis, testing, abatement supervision, and reporting of asbestos abatement projects. The contract allows four one-year renewals. The estimated annual cost is $75,000.00. Funding will be available from the various operating or project budgets of the City Department which will utilize the consulting services.
G. Acceptance - Consolidated Public Health Grant Awards:
Agency: Texas Department of State Health Services -- $1,440,406.00
Overview: This item accepts the funding awards for seven grant programs for fiscal year 2013/2014 from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) for the Amarillo Department of Public Health. DSHS has initiated a bundled contract process to streamline the funding process. The following programs will be funded effective September 2013:
HIV Prevention $210,251
Refugee Screening $549,856
TB Federal Award $ 23,621 New grant
TB State Award $ 38,763 New grant
Immunizations $261,049
Preparedness/Bioterrorism $245,122
Public Service Block Grant $111,744
A. Purchase - Dell Computer Equipment:
Award on State of Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchase Program to Dell Computers -- $110,783.16
Overview: This item approves the purchase of 33 Dell laptops and 54 desktops as replacement of existing equipment. The replaced equipment has been in service for 8 or more years. The purchase also includes 3 network file servers. The purchases are part of the routine replacement schedule for technology equipment or approved new equipment. Funding is available in the approved FY 2012-2013 Information Technology operating budget.
B. Purchase - Mobile Vision Body Microphones and DVR:
Award on HGAG purchasing agreement to L-3 Mobile-Vision, Inc. -- $64,246.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a mobile (in-car) video system, antenna, and body microphone equipment for police field personnel. The purchase will replace outdated equipment and provide some new equipment. Funding for the purchase is available in the current Police Department Auto Repair and Maintenance budget.
C. Approval -Terminal Drainage Project - East End:
Award to low responsive bidder: L.A Fuller and Sons Construction, LTD -- $1,210,292.00
Overview: This item approves the construction contract for the Rick Husband International Airport terminal east end storm water drainage project. The project also includes the removal of underground fuel storage tanks. Funding for 90% this project is available from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The 10% match is available in the approved FY 2012-2013 Airport Capital Improvement Program budget.
D. Approval - Airfield Electrical Improvements:
Award to low responsive bidder: Duke Electric Co., Inc. -- $965,044.05
Overview: This item approves the construction contract for a variety of airfield lighting projects at the Rick Husband International Airport. The projects include runway distance lighting, vault switch gear, signage and windsock equipment. Funding for 90% this project is available from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The local 10% match is available in the approved FY 2012-2013 Airport Capital Improvement Program budget.
E. Approval - Renewal of Natural Gas Contract:
Award to sole source: Atmos Energy -- $960,814.00
Overview: This item approves a one year extension of the contract with Atmos Energy to provide natural gas to the Hollywood and River Road Wastewater Treatment Plants. The contract period is October 1, 2013 to September 30, 2014 and is being offered to the City at the existing rates and index pricing.
F. Approval - Asbestos Consulting Services:
Award to best evaluated proposer: Compliance Sampling and Analysis, Inc.
Overview: This item awards a professional services contract for asbestos consulting and management services for one year. The contract will provide several city departments with the required analysis, testing, abatement supervision, and reporting of asbestos abatement projects. The contract allows four one-year renewals. The estimated annual cost is $75,000.00. Funding will be available from the various operating or project budgets of the City Department which will utilize the consulting services.
G. Acceptance - Consolidated Public Health Grant Awards:
Agency: Texas Department of State Health Services -- $1,440,406.00
Overview: This item accepts the funding awards for seven grant programs for fiscal year 2013/2014 from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) for the Amarillo Department of Public Health. DSHS has initiated a bundled contract process to streamline the funding process. The following programs will be funded effective September 2013:
HIV Prevention $210,251
Refugee Screening $549,856
TB Federal Award $ 23,621 New grant
TB State Award $ 38,763 New grant
Immunizations $261,049
Preparedness/Bioterrorism $245,122
Public Service Block Grant $111,744