D. Approval - Water Meters Annual Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder by lot as follows:
HD Supply Waterworks (Lots 1-5) $194,606.34
Energy Management Systems (Lot 6) 19,373.54
Total Award $213,979.88
Overview: This item approves the annual contract for the purchase of water meters. The proposed contracts include radio read and manual meters of various sizes and fire hydrant meters. These meters are purchased and stocked as-needed. Over the course of the year, the meters will be issued to accommodate new development and to replace existing meters that are no longer accurate or repairable. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY2013-14 Central Stores (warehouse) operating budget.
D. Approval - Water Meters Annual Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder by lot as follows:
HD Supply Waterworks (Lots 1-5) $194,606.34
Energy Management Systems (Lot 6) 19,373.54
Total Award $213,979.88
Overview: This item approves the annual contract for the purchase of water meters. The proposed contracts include radio read and manual meters of various sizes and fire hydrant meters. These meters are purchased and stocked as-needed. Over the course of the year, the meters will be issued to accommodate new development and to replace existing meters that are no longer accurate or repairable. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY2013-14 Central Stores (warehouse) operating budget.
D. Approval - Water Meters Annual Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder by lot as follows:
HD Supply Waterworks (Lots 1-5) $194,606.34
Energy Management Systems (Lot 6) 19,373.54
Total Award $213,979.88
Overview: This item approves the annual contract for the purchase of water meters. The proposed contracts include radio read and manual meters of various sizes and fire hydrant meters. These meters are purchased and stocked as-needed. Over the course of the year, the meters will be issued to accommodate new development and to replace existing meters that are no longer accurate or repairable. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY2013-14 Central Stores (warehouse) operating budget.
D. Approval - Water Meters Annual Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder by lot as follows:
HD Supply Waterworks (Lots 1-5) $194,606.34
Energy Management Systems (Lot 6) 19,373.54
Total Award $213,979.88
Overview: This item approves the annual contract for the purchase of water meters. The proposed contracts include radio read and manual meters of various sizes and fire hydrant meters. These meters are purchased and stocked as-needed. Over the course of the year, the meters will be issued to accommodate new development and to replace existing meters that are no longer accurate or repairable. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY2013-14 Central Stores (warehouse) operating budget.