A. Purchase - Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete:
Award to best evaluated proposer: RK Hall Construction Ltd. -- $900,000.00
Overview: This item awards an annual contract to provide Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete for use by the Street Department. This product is ordered and used throughout the year in the construction, maintenance and repair of paved streets and alleys. The contract provides for a one year extension. The contract is based on the purchase of an estimated 15,600 tons of material at a base price of $57.75/ton. The proposed agreement includes a clause to adjust the contract price per ton upwards or downwards based on fluctuations in the price of liquid asphalt to protect both the supplier and the City. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved FY 2013-14 Street Department Operating budget.
B. Award - Water Distribution Improvements Replacement of Water Mains:
Award to low responsive bidder: Amarillo Utility Contractors -- $321,555.85
Overview: This item awards a construction contract for the replacement of water mains in alleys between Lakeview Drive, Blackburn Street, Parker and Travis Streets. The project will replace deteriorated and undersized water mains. The contract award is .5% higher than the budgeted estimate. Funding for this project is available from the approved Utilities Division Capital Improvements program budget for water main replacements.
C. Award - In-Car Video System:
Award on HGAC Purchasing Agreement: L-3 Mobile Vision, Inc. -- $96,800.45
Overview: This item awards a contract for the purchase of in-car cameras and body microphone components for the in-car video systems for the Amarillo Police Department. The purchase is through the HGAC Purchasing Agreement and provides compatibility with existing equipment. This purchase will provide both new and replacement components. There has been no price increase since the last purchase in January 2012.
D. Approval - Water Meters Annual Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder by lot as follows:
HD Supply Waterworks (Lots 1-5) $194,606.34
Energy Management Systems (Lot 6) 19,373.54
Total Award $213,979.88
Overview: This item approves the annual contract for the purchase of water meters. The proposed contracts include radio read and manual meters of various sizes and fire hydrant meters. These meters are purchased and stocked as-needed. Over the course of the year, the meters will be issued to accommodate new development and to replace existing meters that are no longer accurate or repairable. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY2013-14 Central Stores (warehouse) operating budget.
A. Purchase - Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete:
Award to best evaluated proposer: RK Hall Construction Ltd. -- $900,000.00
Overview: This item awards an annual contract to provide Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete for use by the Street Department. This product is ordered and used throughout the year in the construction, maintenance and repair of paved streets and alleys. The contract provides for a one year extension. The contract is based on the purchase of an estimated 15,600 tons of material at a base price of $57.75/ton. The proposed agreement includes a clause to adjust the contract price per ton upwards or downwards based on fluctuations in the price of liquid asphalt to protect both the supplier and the City. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved FY 2013-14 Street Department Operating budget.
B. Award - Water Distribution Improvements Replacement of Water Mains:
Award to low responsive bidder: Amarillo Utility Contractors -- $321,555.85
Overview: This item awards a construction contract for the replacement of water mains in alleys between Lakeview Drive, Blackburn Street, Parker and Travis Streets. The project will replace deteriorated and undersized water mains. The contract award is .5% higher than the budgeted estimate. Funding for this project is available from the approved Utilities Division Capital Improvements program budget for water main replacements.
C. Award - In-Car Video System:
Award on HGAC Purchasing Agreement: L-3 Mobile Vision, Inc. -- $96,800.45
Overview: This item awards a contract for the purchase of in-car cameras and body microphone components for the in-car video systems for the Amarillo Police Department. The purchase is through the HGAC Purchasing Agreement and provides compatibility with existing equipment. This purchase will provide both new and replacement components. There has been no price increase since the last purchase in January 2012.
D. Approval - Water Meters Annual Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder by lot as follows:
HD Supply Waterworks (Lots 1-5) $194,606.34
Energy Management Systems (Lot 6) 19,373.54
Total Award $213,979.88
Overview: This item approves the annual contract for the purchase of water meters. The proposed contracts include radio read and manual meters of various sizes and fire hydrant meters. These meters are purchased and stocked as-needed. Over the course of the year, the meters will be issued to accommodate new development and to replace existing meters that are no longer accurate or repairable. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY2013-14 Central Stores (warehouse) operating budget.