A. Award - Asbestos Abatement Contract - Prana Buildings:
Award to lowest responsive bidder: R.L. Abatement, Inc. -- $87,600.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to remove asbestos containing material (ACM) from Buildings 5105 and 6105 at the Rick Husband International Airport property. Removal of asbestos is a requirement of the PRANA master lease agreement approved in October 2012. Funding for the project is available in 2012-13 approved capital improvement budget for asbestos abatement work at the Airport.
B. Award - Site Lighting Improvements at City View Park:
Award to lowest responsive bidder: American Electric -- $56,119.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the installation of 14 park lights along the 2,200 lf of walking trail at City View Park. The contract includes electrical service for lighting and hot water in the restrooms. Funding for the contract is available from the approved capital improvement project budget for park security lighting.
C. Approval - Hollywood Road Plant Land Lease Agreement:
Parties: City of Amarillo and Leven Farms
Acreage: 586 +/-
Lease Term: 5 years
Price per Year: $15,000.00
Total Lease Price: $75,000.00
Overview: This item approves the lease of two tracts of City-owned land in Randall County for agricultural purposes. The lease is recommended with the high bidder, Leven Farms, who will use the property for dry-land agricultural operations for the five year lease period. This lease presents a 60% increase from the prior lease. Revenue from this lease agreement will be retained in the City of Amarillo Water and Sewer Fund.
D. Approval - Junior League of Amarillo Volunteer Agreement:
City of Amarillo and the Junior League of Amarillo
Overview: This item approves an agreement with the Junior League of Amarillo to provide volunteers and funding from their Community Trust Fund to the Amarillo Zoo. Under the proposed agreement, the Junior League will provide a minimum of five volunteers to assist in providing visitor services at the Zoo. This agreement does not create a financial obligation on the part of the City of Amarillo.
E. Approval - Purchase of Property:
3206 South Washington
Overview: This item approves a real estate contract for the purchase of 3206 Washington Street owned by Patricia Rushing Chandler. The agreed upon sales price is $125,000.00.
A. Award - Asbestos Abatement Contract - Prana Buildings:
Award to lowest responsive bidder: R.L. Abatement, Inc. -- $87,600.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to remove asbestos containing material (ACM) from Buildings 5105 and 6105 at the Rick Husband International Airport property. Removal of asbestos is a requirement of the PRANA master lease agreement approved in October 2012. Funding for the project is available in 2012-13 approved capital improvement budget for asbestos abatement work at the Airport.
B. Award - Site Lighting Improvements at City View Park:
Award to lowest responsive bidder: American Electric -- $56,119.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the installation of 14 park lights along the 2,200 lf of walking trail at City View Park. The contract includes electrical service for lighting and hot water in the restrooms. Funding for the contract is available from the approved capital improvement project budget for park security lighting.
C. Approval - Hollywood Road Plant Land Lease Agreement:
Parties: City of Amarillo and Leven Farms
Acreage: 586 +/-
Lease Term: 5 years
Price per Year: $15,000.00
Total Lease Price: $75,000.00
Overview: This item approves the lease of two tracts of City-owned land in Randall County for agricultural purposes. The lease is recommended with the high bidder, Leven Farms, who will use the property for dry-land agricultural operations for the five year lease period. This lease presents a 60% increase from the prior lease. Revenue from this lease agreement will be retained in the City of Amarillo Water and Sewer Fund.
D. Approval - Junior League of Amarillo Volunteer Agreement:
City of Amarillo and the Junior League of Amarillo
Overview: This item approves an agreement with the Junior League of Amarillo to provide volunteers and funding from their Community Trust Fund to the Amarillo Zoo. Under the proposed agreement, the Junior League will provide a minimum of five volunteers to assist in providing visitor services at the Zoo. This agreement does not create a financial obligation on the part of the City of Amarillo.
E. Approval - Purchase of Property:
3206 South Washington
Overview: This item approves a real estate contract for the purchase of 3206 Washington Street owned by Patricia Rushing Chandler. The agreed upon sales price is $125,000.00.