A. Award - Water Transfer Pipeline Engineering Services:
Best Evaluated Proposal
HDR Engineering, Inc. -- $1,417,650.00
Overview: This item awards a not to exceed contract to HDR Engineering, Inc. for consulting engineering and design services for the new water transfer pipeline and improvements to the Arden Road Pump Station. The pipeline project will transfer water from the Osage Water Treatment Plant to the Arden Road Station. The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) has approved funding up to $1,310,000 for the planning and design of the project. The balance of the funding is available from the approved Utilities capital improvement budget. The City will submit a TWDB application for construction in the 2014 funding cycle.
B. Award - Oils and Greases Annual Contract:
Award to low responsive bidders by line item as follows:
Quality Standard Petroleum (Line 29) $507.00
Western Marketing (Lines 1,5,6,14,16,17,19,23,28,30) $21,372.94
United Oil & Grease (Lines 8,12,13,22,24,26,27) $27,599.17
Griffin Oil (Lines 2,3,4,7,9,10,11,15,18,20,21,25,31) $118,465.30
Total Award $167,944.41
Overview: This item approves the annual contract for oils and greases used throughout the year by the City's Municipal Garage as well as the Airport, Transit, Street, and Wastewater Treatment Departments. This contract represents an average decrease of 1.38% from last year. Funding for the annual contract is available in each Department's approved 2012-2013 operating budgets.
A. Award - Water Transfer Pipeline Engineering Services:
Best Evaluated Proposal
HDR Engineering, Inc. -- $1,417,650.00
Overview: This item awards a not to exceed contract to HDR Engineering, Inc. for consulting engineering and design services for the new water transfer pipeline and improvements to the Arden Road Pump Station. The pipeline project will transfer water from the Osage Water Treatment Plant to the Arden Road Station. The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) has approved funding up to $1,310,000 for the planning and design of the project. The balance of the funding is available from the approved Utilities capital improvement budget. The City will submit a TWDB application for construction in the 2014 funding cycle.
B. Award - Oils and Greases Annual Contract:
Award to low responsive bidders by line item as follows:
Quality Standard Petroleum (Line 29) $507.00
Western Marketing (Lines 1,5,6,14,16,17,19,23,28,30) $21,372.94
United Oil & Grease (Lines 8,12,13,22,24,26,27) $27,599.17
Griffin Oil (Lines 2,3,4,7,9,10,11,15,18,20,21,25,31) $118,465.30
Total Award $167,944.41
Overview: This item approves the annual contract for oils and greases used throughout the year by the City's Municipal Garage as well as the Airport, Transit, Street, and Wastewater Treatment Departments. This contract represents an average decrease of 1.38% from last year. Funding for the annual contract is available in each Department's approved 2012-2013 operating budgets.