A. Award - Pre Fabricated Restroom Buildings:
Award to lowest responsive bidder as follows:
CXT Incorporated - $158,715.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the purchase and installation of three (3) pre-fabricated 500 square foot restroom buildings for the Amarillo Athletic Complex, City View and Greenways Parks. The restrooms will be ADA accessible, fully equipped and will include ADA drinking fountains. The cost for the restrooms is 6.2% less than budgeted. Funding for this purchase is available in currently approved Capital Improvements Budgets for the Amarillo Athletic Complex and Park Restroom Replacements.
B. Purchase - Open Horizontal Breathing Air Compressor:
Award to lowest responsive bidder as follows:
August Industries, Inc. - $97,108.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of two (2) stand-alone, self contained Open Horizontal Breathing Air Compressors for the Amarillo Fire Department. The new units include an air storage system. The new equipment will replace units at Central and Fire Station #7. Equipment from these locations will be moved to Fire Training Facility and the Station #11 which is under construction. The cost of the two units is 2.9% less than budgeted. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved FY 2012-13 Fire Department Capital Improvements Budget for SCBA Compressors and Cylinders.
C. Approve - Change Order - Rehabilitation of Hillside Road:
Original Contract: $2,311,484.45
Previous Change Orders: $ 49,249.20
Current Change Order: $ 261,624.30
Revised Contract: $2,622,357.95
D. Lease Approval - Mary E. Bivins Building:
Center City of Amarillo, Inc.
Overview: This item approves a five year lease agreement with Center City of Amarillo, Inc for office and storage space at the Bivins Building, at 1000 S. Polk Street. The space was previously leased by the Amarillo Symphony. The Lease Agreement has been prepared by the City Attorney and approved by the Center City Board of Directors.
A. Award - Pre Fabricated Restroom Buildings:
Award to lowest responsive bidder as follows:
CXT Incorporated - $158,715.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the purchase and installation of three (3) pre-fabricated 500 square foot restroom buildings for the Amarillo Athletic Complex, City View and Greenways Parks. The restrooms will be ADA accessible, fully equipped and will include ADA drinking fountains. The cost for the restrooms is 6.2% less than budgeted. Funding for this purchase is available in currently approved Capital Improvements Budgets for the Amarillo Athletic Complex and Park Restroom Replacements.
B. Purchase - Open Horizontal Breathing Air Compressor:
Award to lowest responsive bidder as follows:
August Industries, Inc. - $97,108.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of two (2) stand-alone, self contained Open Horizontal Breathing Air Compressors for the Amarillo Fire Department. The new units include an air storage system. The new equipment will replace units at Central and Fire Station #7. Equipment from these locations will be moved to Fire Training Facility and the Station #11 which is under construction. The cost of the two units is 2.9% less than budgeted. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved FY 2012-13 Fire Department Capital Improvements Budget for SCBA Compressors and Cylinders.
C. Approve - Change Order - Rehabilitation of Hillside Road:
Original Contract: $2,311,484.45
Previous Change Orders: $ 49,249.20
Current Change Order: $ 261,624.30
Revised Contract: $2,622,357.95
D. Lease Approval - Mary E. Bivins Building:
Center City of Amarillo, Inc.
Overview: This item approves a five year lease agreement with Center City of Amarillo, Inc for office and storage space at the Bivins Building, at 1000 S. Polk Street. The space was previously leased by the Amarillo Symphony. The Lease Agreement has been prepared by the City Attorney and approved by the Center City Board of Directors.