A. Purchase - Heavy Equipment:
Award to low responsive bidder: ASCO Amarillo -- $600,722.00
Overview: This item is the routine purchase of heavy equipment to replace existing units that have reached or exceeded their usable lifespan. The requested purchase includes a motorgrader, loader, roller, asphalt laydown machine and a heavy trailer. Funding for this purchase is in the approved Municipal Garage Equipment Replacement fund.
B. Award - Farmers Avenue Storm Water Drainage Improvements Project:
Award to low responsive bidder - West Texas Utility Contractors, Inc. --$4,479,649.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for a large drainage improvement project on Farmers Avenue east of Western Street. This project will install over 2,200 linear feet of 10' x 10' storm water drainage pipe under Farmers Avenue. Once completed, this will also lead to Farmers Avenue being upgraded to a one-half width arterial roadway through funds provided by the Texas Department of Transportation. Collectively, the drainage and road projects will result in enhanced drainage for the existing area west of Western Street, new drainage capability for the neighborhood to the south, and greater vehicular access between Western and Georgia on Farmers Avenue. This drainage improvement project is in the approved FY 2012/2013 Drainage Utility Capital Improvement Program budget.
C. Acceptance - Contract for Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Nutrition Program:
Agency: Texas Department of State Health Services - $794,199.00
Overview: This item accepts a six month contract for the City of Amarillo's Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Supplemental Nutrition Program from October 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013. The contract will have an option to extend for an additional six months for a maximum reimbursement $1,588,398.00. The funding represents a 3.5% reduction from the current contract. WIC provides supplemental nutritious foods, health assessments and referrals, and nutrition and breastfeeding education services in Potter, Randall, Armstrong, Carson and Oldham Counties. The program currently assists an average of 8,031 participants per month.
D. Approval - Task Order #6 Amendment - Airport Ticket Level Bridge Project:
Award to KSA Engineers, Inc. as follows:
Original Task Order Amount: $207,169.00
Previous Amendments: $ 0.00
Proposed Amendment: $ 90,944.00
Adjusted Task Order Amount: $298,113.00
Overview: This item approves an amendment to the professional services agreement with KSA Engineers for the Airport Ticket Level Bridge project. The amendment is specifically for the cost of additional construction administration and Resident Project Representative services needed on the project due to the extended construction period. The construction period ran beyond the contract period by 95 days. Liquidated damages in an amount sufficient to fund the recommended amendment will be withheld from this construction contract and no additional Airport funds will be needed for the amendment.
E. Approval - Airport East Ramp Master Lease Agreement:
Parties: City of Amarillo and PRANA Development Group, LLC.
Terms and Conditions: As Noted
Overview: This item approves a master lease agreement between the City of Amarillo Airport and the PRANA Development Group for the area generally known as the East Ramp at the Airport. The proposed leasehold area contains several Air Base era hangars and other buildings along with additional open space. Under the terms of the Agreement, the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport will continue to receive the rental income amount currently received throughout the life of the Agreement and will further receive a percentage of additional rents generated by PRANA as the area is further redeveloped or enhanced. The Agreement contains performance goals which must be met by PRANA to ensure an orderly and beneficial development of the area.
F. Dedications and Acceptances:
Overview: 1) A 50-square foot Public Right-of-Way in Section 191, Block 2, AB&M Survey, Potter County, in the vicinity of Broadway Drive and Colorado Avenue for a water pressure monitoring device.
Overview: 2) A 10-foot Public Water Line Easement in Section 31, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Randall County, in the vicinity of Canyon Drive and Hallmark Avenue for installation of a water main for adequate fire hydrant coverage.
A. Purchase - Heavy Equipment:
Award to low responsive bidder: ASCO Amarillo -- $600,722.00
Overview: This item is the routine purchase of heavy equipment to replace existing units that have reached or exceeded their usable lifespan. The requested purchase includes a motorgrader, loader, roller, asphalt laydown machine and a heavy trailer. Funding for this purchase is in the approved Municipal Garage Equipment Replacement fund.
B. Award - Farmers Avenue Storm Water Drainage Improvements Project:
Award to low responsive bidder - West Texas Utility Contractors, Inc. --$4,479,649.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for a large drainage improvement project on Farmers Avenue east of Western Street. This project will install over 2,200 linear feet of 10' x 10' storm water drainage pipe under Farmers Avenue. Once completed, this will also lead to Farmers Avenue being upgraded to a one-half width arterial roadway through funds provided by the Texas Department of Transportation. Collectively, the drainage and road projects will result in enhanced drainage for the existing area west of Western Street, new drainage capability for the neighborhood to the south, and greater vehicular access between Western and Georgia on Farmers Avenue. This drainage improvement project is in the approved FY 2012/2013 Drainage Utility Capital Improvement Program budget.
C. Acceptance - Contract for Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Nutrition Program:
Agency: Texas Department of State Health Services - $794,199.00
Overview: This item accepts a six month contract for the City of Amarillo's Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Supplemental Nutrition Program from October 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013. The contract will have an option to extend for an additional six months for a maximum reimbursement $1,588,398.00. The funding represents a 3.5% reduction from the current contract. WIC provides supplemental nutritious foods, health assessments and referrals, and nutrition and breastfeeding education services in Potter, Randall, Armstrong, Carson and Oldham Counties. The program currently assists an average of 8,031 participants per month.
D. Approval - Task Order #6 Amendment - Airport Ticket Level Bridge Project:
Award to KSA Engineers, Inc. as follows:
Original Task Order Amount: $207,169.00
Previous Amendments: $ 0.00
Proposed Amendment: $ 90,944.00
Adjusted Task Order Amount: $298,113.00
Overview: This item approves an amendment to the professional services agreement with KSA Engineers for the Airport Ticket Level Bridge project. The amendment is specifically for the cost of additional construction administration and Resident Project Representative services needed on the project due to the extended construction period. The construction period ran beyond the contract period by 95 days. Liquidated damages in an amount sufficient to fund the recommended amendment will be withheld from this construction contract and no additional Airport funds will be needed for the amendment.
E. Approval - Airport East Ramp Master Lease Agreement:
Parties: City of Amarillo and PRANA Development Group, LLC.
Terms and Conditions: As Noted
Overview: This item approves a master lease agreement between the City of Amarillo Airport and the PRANA Development Group for the area generally known as the East Ramp at the Airport. The proposed leasehold area contains several Air Base era hangars and other buildings along with additional open space. Under the terms of the Agreement, the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport will continue to receive the rental income amount currently received throughout the life of the Agreement and will further receive a percentage of additional rents generated by PRANA as the area is further redeveloped or enhanced. The Agreement contains performance goals which must be met by PRANA to ensure an orderly and beneficial development of the area.
F. Dedications and Acceptances:
Overview: 1) A 50-square foot Public Right-of-Way in Section 191, Block 2, AB&M Survey, Potter County, in the vicinity of Broadway Drive and Colorado Avenue for a water pressure monitoring device.
Overview: 2) A 10-foot Public Water Line Easement in Section 31, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Randall County, in the vicinity of Canyon Drive and Hallmark Avenue for installation of a water main for adequate fire hydrant coverage.