A. Purchase - Ammunition:
Award to low responsive bidders by line item as follows:
GT Distributors $ 12.088.70
(Lines 2,3,7,10,13,14,18,19,23,24)
Precision Delta 45,096.90
(Lines 6,8,11,16,20,21)
Grace Ammo LLC 12,427.00
(Lines 9,25)
Total Award $69,612.60
B. Purchase - Suburban Utility Vehicle:
Award to Caldwell Country Chevrolet -- $38,777.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a Suburban Utility Vehicle from the HGAC Cooperative Purchasing Agreement for use by the Amarillo Fire Department. The vehicle will replace a 2001 model and represents a 11% decrease from the last purchase in 2010. Funding for this purchase is available from the Municipal Garage rolling stock account.
C. Award - Flexible Aggregate Base Material Annual Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder: Texas Sand & Gravel, Inc. -- $198,750.00
Overview: This item approves the annual supply contract for flexible aggregate base material. This material is used by the City Street Department in the maintenance and repair of unpaved streets and alleys. The contract will provide 15,000 tons of material to be purchased and delivered throughout the year as-needed. The price reflects a decrease of 1.85% since last year's contract. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved FY 2011/2012 Street Department operating budget.
D. Approval - Site Development Amenities Project for the Colonies Unit 25:
Award to low responsive bidder: Tri State General Contracting Group, Inc. -- $114,119.00
Overview: This project is for the labor and materials necessary for the construction of two medians with amenities in the Colonies Unit 25, Lexington Court Office Park. The project cost is 5% less than estimated. The Colonies Public Improvement District (PID) Advisory Board reviewed the bids and recommends award to the low bidder. The Colonies Developer will fund this project and will be re-paid through PID assessments on property owners in the development.
E. Approval - City of Amarillo votes for Places 11-14 on the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool:
Overview: The Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool (IRP) provides excess Workers Compensation Insurance Coverage to the City and is governed by representatives elected by votes from member cities. This item casts the City's votes for representatives to fill Places 11, 12, 13, and 14. As the City began purchasing coverage through the IRP last year, this is the first time for the City to cast votes for the representatives.
Overview: 2012 Every Drop Counts - Be Water Wise Update
This presentation will provide an overview of the year-to-date water usage in Amarillo.
A. Purchase - Ammunition:
Award to low responsive bidders by line item as follows:
GT Distributors $ 12.088.70
(Lines 2,3,7,10,13,14,18,19,23,24)
Precision Delta 45,096.90
(Lines 6,8,11,16,20,21)
Grace Ammo LLC 12,427.00
(Lines 9,25)
Total Award $69,612.60
B. Purchase - Suburban Utility Vehicle:
Award to Caldwell Country Chevrolet -- $38,777.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a Suburban Utility Vehicle from the HGAC Cooperative Purchasing Agreement for use by the Amarillo Fire Department. The vehicle will replace a 2001 model and represents a 11% decrease from the last purchase in 2010. Funding for this purchase is available from the Municipal Garage rolling stock account.
C. Award - Flexible Aggregate Base Material Annual Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder: Texas Sand & Gravel, Inc. -- $198,750.00
Overview: This item approves the annual supply contract for flexible aggregate base material. This material is used by the City Street Department in the maintenance and repair of unpaved streets and alleys. The contract will provide 15,000 tons of material to be purchased and delivered throughout the year as-needed. The price reflects a decrease of 1.85% since last year's contract. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved FY 2011/2012 Street Department operating budget.
D. Approval - Site Development Amenities Project for the Colonies Unit 25:
Award to low responsive bidder: Tri State General Contracting Group, Inc. -- $114,119.00
Overview: This project is for the labor and materials necessary for the construction of two medians with amenities in the Colonies Unit 25, Lexington Court Office Park. The project cost is 5% less than estimated. The Colonies Public Improvement District (PID) Advisory Board reviewed the bids and recommends award to the low bidder. The Colonies Developer will fund this project and will be re-paid through PID assessments on property owners in the development.
E. Approval - City of Amarillo votes for Places 11-14 on the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool:
Overview: The Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool (IRP) provides excess Workers Compensation Insurance Coverage to the City and is governed by representatives elected by votes from member cities. This item casts the City's votes for representatives to fill Places 11, 12, 13, and 14. As the City began purchasing coverage through the IRP last year, this is the first time for the City to cast votes for the representatives.
Overview: 2012 Every Drop Counts - Be Water Wise Update
This presentation will provide an overview of the year-to-date water usage in Amarillo.