A. Purchase - Liquid Bleach Annual Contract:
Award to sole bidder: Brenntag Southwest -- $43,950.00
Overview: This item is the annual purchase of 145 individual drums of liquid sodium hypochlorite and 20,000 bulk gallons of liquid bleach. These products are used by the Utilities Division to treat potable water at the Osage Water Treatment Plant and as an odor control agent at the Hollywood Road Wastewater Treatment Plant. The contract reflects a 3.8% decrease over the previous year contract. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011-12 Utilities Division operating budget.
B. Purchase - Portable Police Radios:
Award to Motorola Solutions c/o WT Services on the Houston Galveston Area Council (HGAC) Cooperative Purchasing Contract -- $32,738.40
Overview: This item approves the purchase of 9 portable radios for the Amarillo Police Department SWAT and Narcotics units. The radios are replacements for existing units that are not compliant with the FCC mandated narrowband requirements and also provide enhanced capabilities. Funding for this purchase is available from the Police Department's Federal Seized Funds Account.
C. Award - Water Distribution Improvements:
Award to sole responsive bidder: Amarillo Utility Contractor, Inc. --$156,832.45
Overview: This item awards a construction contract to connect existing water lines at Westgate Parkway and the alley north of Simpson to a new 8-inch water main and to replace the 6-inch water main in the Hayden-Ong alley between Southwest 34th and Southwest 26th Avenues. The cost for both projects is less than the engineer's construction estimate. Funding for this project is available in the approved Utilities Division Capital Improvement Project budget.
D. Approval - Renewal of Natural Gas Contract:
Award to sole source: Atmos Energy -- $960,814.00
Overview: This item approves a one year extension of the contract with Atmos Energy to provide natural gas to the Hollywood and River Road Wastewater Treatment Plants. The contract period is October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013 and is being offered to the City at the existing rates and index pricing.
E. Approval- Change Order #3 - Potter County Well Field Additions - Well Pumping Equipment Installation and Wellhead Improvements Contract:
Award: L.A. Fuller & Sons Construction
Original Contract Amount: $6,325,301.00
Previous Change Orders: 8,514.00
Change Order #3 29,420.00
Total Change to the Contract $6,361,327.00
Overview: This item approves a change order to the contract for the Well Pumping Equipment Installation and Wellhead Improvements Contract for the Potter County Well Field. The change order consists of the relocation of a gate and installation of a cattle guard and remobilization required of the subcontractor installing the pumping equipment. The change order also requests an additional 30 days to the contract resulting in a completion date of July 24, 2012. Funding for the change order is available in the original Potter County Well Field budget subject to approval from the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB).
Overview: 2012 Every Drop Counts - Be Water Wise Update
This presentation will provide an overview of the year-to-date water usage in Amarillo and will recognize the winners of the recently completed Water Conservation Poster Contest. The winning posters will be on display in the Commission Chamber.
A. Purchase - Liquid Bleach Annual Contract:
Award to sole bidder: Brenntag Southwest -- $43,950.00
Overview: This item is the annual purchase of 145 individual drums of liquid sodium hypochlorite and 20,000 bulk gallons of liquid bleach. These products are used by the Utilities Division to treat potable water at the Osage Water Treatment Plant and as an odor control agent at the Hollywood Road Wastewater Treatment Plant. The contract reflects a 3.8% decrease over the previous year contract. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011-12 Utilities Division operating budget.
B. Purchase - Portable Police Radios:
Award to Motorola Solutions c/o WT Services on the Houston Galveston Area Council (HGAC) Cooperative Purchasing Contract -- $32,738.40
Overview: This item approves the purchase of 9 portable radios for the Amarillo Police Department SWAT and Narcotics units. The radios are replacements for existing units that are not compliant with the FCC mandated narrowband requirements and also provide enhanced capabilities. Funding for this purchase is available from the Police Department's Federal Seized Funds Account.
C. Award - Water Distribution Improvements:
Award to sole responsive bidder: Amarillo Utility Contractor, Inc. --$156,832.45
Overview: This item awards a construction contract to connect existing water lines at Westgate Parkway and the alley north of Simpson to a new 8-inch water main and to replace the 6-inch water main in the Hayden-Ong alley between Southwest 34th and Southwest 26th Avenues. The cost for both projects is less than the engineer's construction estimate. Funding for this project is available in the approved Utilities Division Capital Improvement Project budget.
D. Approval - Renewal of Natural Gas Contract:
Award to sole source: Atmos Energy -- $960,814.00
Overview: This item approves a one year extension of the contract with Atmos Energy to provide natural gas to the Hollywood and River Road Wastewater Treatment Plants. The contract period is October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013 and is being offered to the City at the existing rates and index pricing.
E. Approval- Change Order #3 - Potter County Well Field Additions - Well Pumping Equipment Installation and Wellhead Improvements Contract:
Award: L.A. Fuller & Sons Construction
Original Contract Amount: $6,325,301.00
Previous Change Orders: 8,514.00
Change Order #3 29,420.00
Total Change to the Contract $6,361,327.00
Overview: This item approves a change order to the contract for the Well Pumping Equipment Installation and Wellhead Improvements Contract for the Potter County Well Field. The change order consists of the relocation of a gate and installation of a cattle guard and remobilization required of the subcontractor installing the pumping equipment. The change order also requests an additional 30 days to the contract resulting in a completion date of July 24, 2012. Funding for the change order is available in the original Potter County Well Field budget subject to approval from the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB).
Overview: 2012 Every Drop Counts - Be Water Wise Update
This presentation will provide an overview of the year-to-date water usage in Amarillo and will recognize the winners of the recently completed Water Conservation Poster Contest. The winning posters will be on display in the Commission Chamber.