A. Purchase - Traffic Marking Paint:
Award to low responsive bidder: Ennis Paint, Inc. - $105,454.00
Overview: This item awards the annual contract to supply approximately 12,000 gallons of traffic marking paint. This paint is used throughout the year by the Traffic Engineering Department to apply various markings and stripes on City streets. The proposed price reflects a 11% increase over the current contract pricing. Funding for the purchase is available from the 2011-2012 Central Stores inventory budget.
B. Purchase - Variable Frequency Drive for the N.E. 24th Avenue Pump Station:
Award to low responsive bidder:
Border States Electric of Texas, Inc. -- $224,312.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a 700 hp Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) at the N.E. 24th Avenue Pump Station. The proposed cost of the VFD is 25% less than the bid estimate. The VFD will allow the electric pump and motor to be operated at a variable rate to meet actual system demands. This increases operational efficiency and the usable lifespan of the components. Funding for this project is available in the approved Utilities Division Capital Improvements Project budget for the N.E.24th Avenue Pump Station.
C. Purchase - Ballistic Vests for Police Department:
Award to GT Distributors on Texas BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Contract -- $28,875.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of 42 protective ballistic vests for use by members of the Amarillo Police Department. These vests are maintained in quartermaster inventory and issued to officers as replacements for existing vests and to equip new officers. This purchase reflects no change in price since the last purchase in August 2011. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved FY 2011/2012 Amarillo Police Department operating budget.
D. Award - Installation of 24" Water Main along Soncy Road from N.W. 9th Avenue to Amarillo Boulevard:
Lowest responsive bidder: Morton Irrigation, Inc. -- $700,160.00
Overview: This item approves a contract to install approximately 5,209 linear feet of 24-inch water distribution main along Soncy Road from N.W. 9th Avenue to Amarillo Boulevard. This project extends the water distribution system to accommodate the growth in this area of Amarillo. Funding for this contract is available from the approved 2010 and 2011 Utilities Division Capital Improvements budgets.
E. Award - Civic Center ADA Upgrades and Renovations to Dressing Rooms:
Lowest responsive bidder: Kelly Wood Company, Inc. -- $418,300.00
Base Bid $416,000.00
Alternate #2 2,300.00
Total Project Cost $418,300.00
Overview: This item approves a contract for the remodeling of ten (10) dressing rooms, two public restrooms, the Old Headliner Room and the Laundry in the lower level of the Civic Center to achieve compliance with current ADA standards. The award also includes Alternate #2 which installs wiring for the closed circuit cameras system. The cameras will be installed separately. Funding for the project is available from the Civic Center Capital Improvements Project budget.
F. Approval - Change Order #4 to the Potter County Well Field, 48"- 42" Transmission Pipeline Project:
Original Contract $24,515,941.00
Change Order #1 329,900.00 Pump Station Piping
Change Order #2 317,344.35 Tie-in capability for emergency flow
Change Order #3 0 Time only - adjustment of days
Change Order #4 231,358.77 Cumulative changes
Revised Contract $25,394,544.12
Overview: This item approves the fourth change order to the construction contract with S.J. Louis Construction of Texas for the Potter County Well Field Transmission Pipeline to account for cumulative adjustments and actual quantities made to the contract during construction. This project was substantially complete in October 2011. This change order adds $231,258.77 to the project resulting in a total change of 2.61%. Funding for this award is available in the original Potter County Well Field budget approved Texas Water Development Board Water Infrastructure Fund Loan (WIF).
G. Approval --- Agreement for of Summer Food Service Program:
Amarillo Independent School District (AISD)
Overview: This item approves an agreement with the Amarillo Independent School District to prepare and deliver meals to 40 sites during the 2012 Summer Lunch Program. Under the Summer Lunch Program guidelines, AISD has the first option on preparing and delivering meals. AISD has provided this service in the past and desires to continue its participation in the Summer Lunch Program. The AISD rates charged to the 2012 program are $.67 per snacks and $2.61 per lunch. The cost will be reimbursed by the City's Summer Lunch Program from the Texas Department of Agriculture. The Summer Lunch program anticipates 6,800 children per day will be served by the program.
H. Sale - Property:
Overview: Sheriff Sale Properties in Potter County awarded to the highest bidders as listed on the attached.
A. Purchase - Traffic Marking Paint:
Award to low responsive bidder: Ennis Paint, Inc. - $105,454.00
Overview: This item awards the annual contract to supply approximately 12,000 gallons of traffic marking paint. This paint is used throughout the year by the Traffic Engineering Department to apply various markings and stripes on City streets. The proposed price reflects a 11% increase over the current contract pricing. Funding for the purchase is available from the 2011-2012 Central Stores inventory budget.
B. Purchase - Variable Frequency Drive for the N.E. 24th Avenue Pump Station:
Award to low responsive bidder:
Border States Electric of Texas, Inc. -- $224,312.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a 700 hp Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) at the N.E. 24th Avenue Pump Station. The proposed cost of the VFD is 25% less than the bid estimate. The VFD will allow the electric pump and motor to be operated at a variable rate to meet actual system demands. This increases operational efficiency and the usable lifespan of the components. Funding for this project is available in the approved Utilities Division Capital Improvements Project budget for the N.E.24th Avenue Pump Station.
C. Purchase - Ballistic Vests for Police Department:
Award to GT Distributors on Texas BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Contract -- $28,875.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of 42 protective ballistic vests for use by members of the Amarillo Police Department. These vests are maintained in quartermaster inventory and issued to officers as replacements for existing vests and to equip new officers. This purchase reflects no change in price since the last purchase in August 2011. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved FY 2011/2012 Amarillo Police Department operating budget.
D. Award - Installation of 24" Water Main along Soncy Road from N.W. 9th Avenue to Amarillo Boulevard:
Lowest responsive bidder: Morton Irrigation, Inc. -- $700,160.00
Overview: This item approves a contract to install approximately 5,209 linear feet of 24-inch water distribution main along Soncy Road from N.W. 9th Avenue to Amarillo Boulevard. This project extends the water distribution system to accommodate the growth in this area of Amarillo. Funding for this contract is available from the approved 2010 and 2011 Utilities Division Capital Improvements budgets.
E. Award - Civic Center ADA Upgrades and Renovations to Dressing Rooms:
Lowest responsive bidder: Kelly Wood Company, Inc. -- $418,300.00
Base Bid $416,000.00
Alternate #2 2,300.00
Total Project Cost $418,300.00
Overview: This item approves a contract for the remodeling of ten (10) dressing rooms, two public restrooms, the Old Headliner Room and the Laundry in the lower level of the Civic Center to achieve compliance with current ADA standards. The award also includes Alternate #2 which installs wiring for the closed circuit cameras system. The cameras will be installed separately. Funding for the project is available from the Civic Center Capital Improvements Project budget.
F. Approval - Change Order #4 to the Potter County Well Field, 48"- 42" Transmission Pipeline Project:
Original Contract $24,515,941.00
Change Order #1 329,900.00 Pump Station Piping
Change Order #2 317,344.35 Tie-in capability for emergency flow
Change Order #3 0 Time only - adjustment of days
Change Order #4 231,358.77 Cumulative changes
Revised Contract $25,394,544.12
Overview: This item approves the fourth change order to the construction contract with S.J. Louis Construction of Texas for the Potter County Well Field Transmission Pipeline to account for cumulative adjustments and actual quantities made to the contract during construction. This project was substantially complete in October 2011. This change order adds $231,258.77 to the project resulting in a total change of 2.61%. Funding for this award is available in the original Potter County Well Field budget approved Texas Water Development Board Water Infrastructure Fund Loan (WIF).
G. Approval --- Agreement for of Summer Food Service Program:
Amarillo Independent School District (AISD)
Overview: This item approves an agreement with the Amarillo Independent School District to prepare and deliver meals to 40 sites during the 2012 Summer Lunch Program. Under the Summer Lunch Program guidelines, AISD has the first option on preparing and delivering meals. AISD has provided this service in the past and desires to continue its participation in the Summer Lunch Program. The AISD rates charged to the 2012 program are $.67 per snacks and $2.61 per lunch. The cost will be reimbursed by the City's Summer Lunch Program from the Texas Department of Agriculture. The Summer Lunch program anticipates 6,800 children per day will be served by the program.
H. Sale - Property:
Overview: Sheriff Sale Properties in Potter County awarded to the highest bidders as listed on the attached.