A. Purchase - Amarillo and Airport Police Uniform:
Award to low responsive bidder: Nardis, Inc. -- $282,618.84
Overview: This item is the award of the annual supply agreement for the purchase of uniforms for both the Amarillo and Airport Police Departments. The uniforms are stocked as inventory and distributed to officers as replacements for worn-out uniforms and to issue to new officers. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 departmental quartermaster inventory budgets.
B. Purchase - Irrigation Heads and Pumps:
Award to lowest responsive bidders as follows:
John Deere Landscapes Inc./Lesco - Line 1 $31,854.02
Ewing Irrigation - Line 2 4,870.80
Total Award $36,724.82
Overview: This item approves the purchase of 120 irrigation heads for Lawndale Park and 2 buster pumps for Sleepy Hollow and Windsor Parks. The Parks Maintenance Department will install the equipment upon delivery. Funding is available from the approved 2011/2012 Parks Maintenance irrigation repair and maintenance budget.
C. Purchase - Police Rifles and Accessories:
Award to lowest responsive bidders as follows:
Kiesler Police Supply (Line 1) $21,346.00
GT Distributors, Inc. (Lines 2 and 3) $ 4,779.60
Spear Head Tactical (Line 6) $25,900.00
Total Award $52,025.60
Overview: This item approves a supply agreement for the purchase of automatic rifles (AR) and accessories for the Amarillo Police Department. Only police officers who have completed AR training are allowed to purchase the rifles. The cost for the purchase is a 9.68% increase from the last purchase in 2010. Funding for the purchase is available from the departmental quartermaster inventory budget.
D. Award - Airport Drainage Improvements:
Award to low responsive bidder:
L A Fuller & Sons Construction LTD - $1,811,000.00
Overview: This item awards a construction contract to replace and enlarge the existing drainage system for the Rick Husband International Airport terminal area. The project includes a retention area. The resulting drainage system was designed to meet the established criteria of a 100-year flood event. Funding for this contract has been approved from the current FAA Airport Improvement Program at 95% and a local match of 5%.
E. Award - Sacked Cement Annual Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder: Tascosa Brick, Inc. -- $62,893.60
Overview: This item is the award of the annual contract for sacked cement. This product is maintained in inventory at the City warehouse and is issued to various departments on an as needed basis. Collectively, the annual contract accounts for more than 8,680 bags of sacked cement and concrete. The bid price reflects a 3.96% increase from last year's contract. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Central Stores inventory budget.
F. Award - Repair of Suction Pumps:
Award to low responsive bidder: Smith Pump Company, Inc. - $81,906.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the repair of suction pumps for the Bonham and Carson County pump stations. The recommendation includes the acceptance of the alternates submitted as part of the bid. The repairs will maintain Amarillo's water supply to the distribution system and transmission lines. The repairs will be complete in eight (8) weeks. Funding is available from the approved Water Transmission and Water Production capital improvements project budgets for other improvements.
G. Approval - Grant Agreements:
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD):
2010 Shelter Plus Care Rental Housing Program -- $356,676.00
Overview: This item approves the annual grant agreement with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the Shelter Plus Care program beginning June 1, 2012. The program is designed to link rental assistance to supportive services for hard to serve 50 homeless persons with disabilities and their families. Primarily, those served have serious mental illness; have chronic problems with alcohol or drugs, or both. The grant requires supportive services be provided to these individuals in an amount equal to the rental assistance. Texas Panhandle Centers provides client services such as case management, counseling, life skills training, vocational rehabilitation, pharmacological management, and psychiatric services. The renewal funding provided for the program is the level funding with the current year.
A. Purchase - Amarillo and Airport Police Uniform:
Award to low responsive bidder: Nardis, Inc. -- $282,618.84
Overview: This item is the award of the annual supply agreement for the purchase of uniforms for both the Amarillo and Airport Police Departments. The uniforms are stocked as inventory and distributed to officers as replacements for worn-out uniforms and to issue to new officers. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 departmental quartermaster inventory budgets.
B. Purchase - Irrigation Heads and Pumps:
Award to lowest responsive bidders as follows:
John Deere Landscapes Inc./Lesco - Line 1 $31,854.02
Ewing Irrigation - Line 2 4,870.80
Total Award $36,724.82
Overview: This item approves the purchase of 120 irrigation heads for Lawndale Park and 2 buster pumps for Sleepy Hollow and Windsor Parks. The Parks Maintenance Department will install the equipment upon delivery. Funding is available from the approved 2011/2012 Parks Maintenance irrigation repair and maintenance budget.
C. Purchase - Police Rifles and Accessories:
Award to lowest responsive bidders as follows:
Kiesler Police Supply (Line 1) $21,346.00
GT Distributors, Inc. (Lines 2 and 3) $ 4,779.60
Spear Head Tactical (Line 6) $25,900.00
Total Award $52,025.60
Overview: This item approves a supply agreement for the purchase of automatic rifles (AR) and accessories for the Amarillo Police Department. Only police officers who have completed AR training are allowed to purchase the rifles. The cost for the purchase is a 9.68% increase from the last purchase in 2010. Funding for the purchase is available from the departmental quartermaster inventory budget.
D. Award - Airport Drainage Improvements:
Award to low responsive bidder:
L A Fuller & Sons Construction LTD - $1,811,000.00
Overview: This item awards a construction contract to replace and enlarge the existing drainage system for the Rick Husband International Airport terminal area. The project includes a retention area. The resulting drainage system was designed to meet the established criteria of a 100-year flood event. Funding for this contract has been approved from the current FAA Airport Improvement Program at 95% and a local match of 5%.
E. Award - Sacked Cement Annual Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder: Tascosa Brick, Inc. -- $62,893.60
Overview: This item is the award of the annual contract for sacked cement. This product is maintained in inventory at the City warehouse and is issued to various departments on an as needed basis. Collectively, the annual contract accounts for more than 8,680 bags of sacked cement and concrete. The bid price reflects a 3.96% increase from last year's contract. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Central Stores inventory budget.
F. Award - Repair of Suction Pumps:
Award to low responsive bidder: Smith Pump Company, Inc. - $81,906.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the repair of suction pumps for the Bonham and Carson County pump stations. The recommendation includes the acceptance of the alternates submitted as part of the bid. The repairs will maintain Amarillo's water supply to the distribution system and transmission lines. The repairs will be complete in eight (8) weeks. Funding is available from the approved Water Transmission and Water Production capital improvements project budgets for other improvements.
G. Approval - Grant Agreements:
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD):
2010 Shelter Plus Care Rental Housing Program -- $356,676.00
Overview: This item approves the annual grant agreement with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the Shelter Plus Care program beginning June 1, 2012. The program is designed to link rental assistance to supportive services for hard to serve 50 homeless persons with disabilities and their families. Primarily, those served have serious mental illness; have chronic problems with alcohol or drugs, or both. The grant requires supportive services be provided to these individuals in an amount equal to the rental assistance. Texas Panhandle Centers provides client services such as case management, counseling, life skills training, vocational rehabilitation, pharmacological management, and psychiatric services. The renewal funding provided for the program is the level funding with the current year.