A. Award - Digital Cameras and Accessories:
Overview: Award by line items as follows:
Lines 1, 4, and 5 W.B Hunt Company, Inc. $26,075.00
Lines 2 and 3 17th Street Photo Supply Inc $3,335.00
Total award $29,410.00
Overview: This item awards two contracts for the purchase of cameras and accessories for the Amarillo Police Department for investigation of accidents and crime scenes. Older cameras are replaced and the new academy recruits will be issued cameras. This purchase represents a 2.74% decrease since the last purchase in April 2011. Funding is available from the Police Department current inventory budget.
B. Acceptance -- Law Enforcement Data Access Units:
Overview: This item accepts the transfer of seven "rocket" wireless data access units from the Panhandle Regional Planning Commission. These units allow a Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) equipped police unit to create a wireless hot-spot to access the Law Enforcement Analysis Portal (LEAP) to send and receive criminal justice information. This equipment supports the previously approved regional LEAP project, which is hosted by the City of Amarillo. The seven wireless data access units and the related software were acquired with Homeland Security Grant Program funds provided to the Panhandle Regional Planning Commission.
C. Approval - Tuberculosis Control Contract Amendment:
Overview: Parties: Texas Department of State Health Services and City of Amarillo
Original Contract Amount: $46,355.00
Revised Contract Amount: $63,500.00
Overview: This item approves an amendment to the existing Tuberculosis Control Contract between the City of Amarillo Public Health Department and the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS). Acceptance of this amendment increases the contract amount by $17,145, which restores and increases funding that was originally not available when the contract was approved for FY 2011/2012.
D. Approval - Change Order #13 - Osage High Service Pump Station Project:
Overview: Award to Garney Companies, Inc.
Original Contract Amount: $15,370,000.00
Previous Change Orders: $ 1,320,056.00
Requested Change Order: $ 1,466,000.00
Revised Contract Total: $18,156,056.00
Cumulative Change %: 18.1%
Overview: This item approves Change Order #13 to the existing contract for the construction of the Osage High Service (combined) Pump Station project. The proposed change order is for the installation of approximately 3,100 linear feet of 36" concrete-steel cylinder pipeline and related piping to connect an existing 30" water main on 34th Avenue to the new Osage High Service Pump Station. Installation of this line provides additional capacity to transfer water from the Potter County Wellfield to the Osage Water Treatment Plant to accommodate peak water demands. This change order is pending approval from the TWDB for the use of unspent contingency funds from the Osage Project and the Potter County Wellfield project. If this is not approved, the change order will be funded from the Water and Sewer Capital Improvement Program or reserve account.
E. Approval - Annual Advertising Contract:
Overview: Award to Amarillo Globe News as noted:
Overview: This item awards the annual contract for the City's advertising with the Amarillo Globe News. The contract is based on retail contract rates for employment advertisements, legal notices, and other required publications and notices for all City departments. The annual contract reflects no increase in rates. Funding for advertising is available within the various departmental operating budgets.
F. Approval - Roof Consultant Services for Arden Paradise Building:
Overview: Best Evaluated Request for Qualifications to Crenshaw Roofing Consulting Group - $36,000.00
Overview: This item approves a consulting services contract for the evaluation of the entire roof of the Arden Paradise building at the Rick Husband International Airport property and the design and development of specifications as necessary to repair or replace the HVAC curbing. Funding for the project is available from the Airport Department's Capital Improvement Projects budget for Roof Replacement.
G. Approval - License and Hold Harmless Agreements:
Overview: License and Hold Harmless for four (4) properties located adjacent to Prestwick Lane in La Paloma Estates Unit No 4, in Section 23, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Potter County, for retaining walls located within the right-of-ways.
A. Award - Digital Cameras and Accessories:
Overview: Award by line items as follows:
Lines 1, 4, and 5 W.B Hunt Company, Inc. $26,075.00
Lines 2 and 3 17th Street Photo Supply Inc $3,335.00
Total award $29,410.00
Overview: This item awards two contracts for the purchase of cameras and accessories for the Amarillo Police Department for investigation of accidents and crime scenes. Older cameras are replaced and the new academy recruits will be issued cameras. This purchase represents a 2.74% decrease since the last purchase in April 2011. Funding is available from the Police Department current inventory budget.
B. Acceptance -- Law Enforcement Data Access Units:
Overview: This item accepts the transfer of seven "rocket" wireless data access units from the Panhandle Regional Planning Commission. These units allow a Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) equipped police unit to create a wireless hot-spot to access the Law Enforcement Analysis Portal (LEAP) to send and receive criminal justice information. This equipment supports the previously approved regional LEAP project, which is hosted by the City of Amarillo. The seven wireless data access units and the related software were acquired with Homeland Security Grant Program funds provided to the Panhandle Regional Planning Commission.
C. Approval - Tuberculosis Control Contract Amendment:
Overview: Parties: Texas Department of State Health Services and City of Amarillo
Original Contract Amount: $46,355.00
Revised Contract Amount: $63,500.00
Overview: This item approves an amendment to the existing Tuberculosis Control Contract between the City of Amarillo Public Health Department and the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS). Acceptance of this amendment increases the contract amount by $17,145, which restores and increases funding that was originally not available when the contract was approved for FY 2011/2012.
D. Approval - Change Order #13 - Osage High Service Pump Station Project:
Overview: Award to Garney Companies, Inc.
Original Contract Amount: $15,370,000.00
Previous Change Orders: $ 1,320,056.00
Requested Change Order: $ 1,466,000.00
Revised Contract Total: $18,156,056.00
Cumulative Change %: 18.1%
Overview: This item approves Change Order #13 to the existing contract for the construction of the Osage High Service (combined) Pump Station project. The proposed change order is for the installation of approximately 3,100 linear feet of 36" concrete-steel cylinder pipeline and related piping to connect an existing 30" water main on 34th Avenue to the new Osage High Service Pump Station. Installation of this line provides additional capacity to transfer water from the Potter County Wellfield to the Osage Water Treatment Plant to accommodate peak water demands. This change order is pending approval from the TWDB for the use of unspent contingency funds from the Osage Project and the Potter County Wellfield project. If this is not approved, the change order will be funded from the Water and Sewer Capital Improvement Program or reserve account.
E. Approval - Annual Advertising Contract:
Overview: Award to Amarillo Globe News as noted:
Overview: This item awards the annual contract for the City's advertising with the Amarillo Globe News. The contract is based on retail contract rates for employment advertisements, legal notices, and other required publications and notices for all City departments. The annual contract reflects no increase in rates. Funding for advertising is available within the various departmental operating budgets.
F. Approval - Roof Consultant Services for Arden Paradise Building:
Overview: Best Evaluated Request for Qualifications to Crenshaw Roofing Consulting Group - $36,000.00
Overview: This item approves a consulting services contract for the evaluation of the entire roof of the Arden Paradise building at the Rick Husband International Airport property and the design and development of specifications as necessary to repair or replace the HVAC curbing. Funding for the project is available from the Airport Department's Capital Improvement Projects budget for Roof Replacement.
G. Approval - License and Hold Harmless Agreements:
Overview: License and Hold Harmless for four (4) properties located adjacent to Prestwick Lane in La Paloma Estates Unit No 4, in Section 23, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Potter County, for retaining walls located within the right-of-ways.