A. Award - Engineering Services - Landfill Monitoring:
Award to HDR Engineering, Inc. in an amount not to exceed -- $35,000.00
Overview: This item awards a professional services contract to perform required landfill monitoring services for the 2012 calendar year. Services under this contract include groundwater perimeter monitoring and reporting, methane gas measurement and recording, interior water sampling and analysis and EPA greenhouse gas reporting. Funding for this contract is in the approved Solid Waste Improvement Fund budget.
B. Approval - Redi-Mix Concrete Annual Supply Agreement:
Award to low responsive bidder: Thomas Redi-Mix Company -- $179,855.00
Overview: This item awards the annual contract to provide redi-mix concrete to the City of Amarillo Street Department. The requested contract is for approximately 2,080 cubic yards of various types of concrete and the associated expansion joint material. Concrete is ordered as-needed and delivered to the Street Department for maintenance, repair and construction projects. Funding for this contract is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Street Department Operating budget.
C. Dedication and Acceptance - Public Utility Easement:
A. Award - Engineering Services - Landfill Monitoring:
Award to HDR Engineering, Inc. in an amount not to exceed -- $35,000.00
Overview: This item awards a professional services contract to perform required landfill monitoring services for the 2012 calendar year. Services under this contract include groundwater perimeter monitoring and reporting, methane gas measurement and recording, interior water sampling and analysis and EPA greenhouse gas reporting. Funding for this contract is in the approved Solid Waste Improvement Fund budget.
B. Approval - Redi-Mix Concrete Annual Supply Agreement:
Award to low responsive bidder: Thomas Redi-Mix Company -- $179,855.00
Overview: This item awards the annual contract to provide redi-mix concrete to the City of Amarillo Street Department. The requested contract is for approximately 2,080 cubic yards of various types of concrete and the associated expansion joint material. Concrete is ordered as-needed and delivered to the Street Department for maintenance, repair and construction projects. Funding for this contract is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Street Department Operating budget.
C. Dedication and Acceptance - Public Utility Easement: